Tuesday 24 February 2009

P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Pancake Day!

I'm not ashamed to say that I am a huge fan of Tony Robinson's classic BBC children's television series Maid Marian And Her Merry Men. So much so that I have all four series on DVD and watch them often. They still make me laugh! Just goes to show that in my mind I am indeed still a twelve year old ... but then you already knew that, right?

Anyway, this is the video of the Maid Marian 'Pancake Day' song that I always sing when I'm making pancakes which is what I'm just about to go and do now .....


  1. hurrah! loved the series, love pancakes. nuff said ;)

    thanks for reminding me of MM :)

  2. It's great, isn't it? I know all the songs inside out. 'Father Bloopy' is my fave!

  3. Maid Marian! I loved that so much, in fact I still go round singing the theme tune. Didn't know it was out on DVD, I'm going to have a look for it now!


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