
Sunday 20 February 2011

New Guinea Piglets

Meet Lisa and Ruth, my two new guinea piglets.

These little ruby-red-eyed furry squeakers are sisters and they are about ten or eleven weeks old. They're unbelievably cute but very timid at the moment.  It might look like they're on the grass in these photographs that Chris took but they're actually on our living room rug.  Lisa (on the left) is a beautiful mink colour and she has one white back leg and a splodge of ginger on her back.  She is named in honour of the wonderful and inspirational Lisa Lynch. Ruth (on the right) is a mix of brown and ginger, is a little smaller than her sister and is named after Ruth Goodman from Edwardian Farm and Victorian Farm.  (You know how much I admire Ruth Goodman!) 

Guinea Piglets

Lisa and Ruth haven't met Brenda, Edith, Jemima and Martha yet.  The two piglets are currently in the indoor cage and when it's a nice sunny day I shall let them out on the grass for a little while and I'll gradually introduce them to the older guineas.  By the time the warmer weather comes they'll all be out mowing the grass in guinea pig unison.  Utter cuteness!


  1. OMG!!! Too cute! What lucky little girls they are to join your family :O)

  2. Aahh. I love guinea pigs, especially the little squeaking noises they make.

  3. Completely adorable - how do you actually get anything done with such cuteness in your midst?

  4. ohhh Cute!!! wish I had some :) hehe

  5. Well it doesn't get much cuter than that :p please see my story on my blog regardin rescued chihuahua :(

  6. awwwww they are so adorable! They look so soft. I want to pet their little noses :)

  7. A girl after my own heart, they are gorgeous. I have 8 girl piggies that live free range together. It's a joy to watch them busying themselves and I love the fact that they all come running when they hear my voice cos they think it's treat time :-)

  8. SO CUTE! I just have my one beloved piggy, Mr. Elvis, but I dream of the day when I can have a bunch, and a backyard full of grass for them to hang out in!

  9. Ahhhhh, aren't they just the sweetest little piggies? They're adorable! Great pic!

  10. How cute are they, utterly gorgeous new additions Laura x

  11. haha! how cute are these two? so many captions come to mind when looking at their photos, not least in the top one ", no seriously, maybe he....what IS he doing with that black box, no seriously Lisa stay.still! ~ have you seen the size of his head!"

    haha! So funny, I'll leave the second pic for you to caption :o)


    hello gorgeous xxx

  12. How cute !

    Lovely names as well, esp. Lisa!


  13. OMG how did I miss this news, more little girls for you...? they are so cute...I wish mine got along like yours, should have listened to you about getting sisters and not two boys with a age everyone lives on their own, right next to each other...


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