
Thursday 11 October 2007

Frit Lentils

My last beads for this week. I've made loads of glass gems these past few days!

I'm off up to Cambridge tomorrow for the weekend so I will 'see you' next week!

Have a lovely weekend.


  1. oooooooooooooooo frit, i love frit, lol, those beads are fab and i love the other lentils from earier in the week too, me and lentil presses don't get on, lol

  2. Thanks Caroline!

    Frit is good - I go through phases of using it. I've got so much of the stuff! I've said to myself that I'm not buying any more until I've used up at least five of my many jars. I'm almost there!

    Laura x

  3. i'm trying to resist buying frit too, i have loads of the stuff but as i'm dangerously low on raku frit i might have to give in and buy some, i just know raku will lead me to buying 5 or 6 more, lol


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