
Tuesday 2 October 2007

Mmmmmm, chocolate!

More fusion beads, this time in a very chocolatey colour combination. They're even more chocolatey than the cocoa ones from last week!

Talking of chocolate, I visited 'Hotel Chocolat' in Cambridge on Saturday. In case you haven't heard of 'Hotel Chocolat' it's a very-naughty-but-oh-so-nice chocolate shop. If you haven't got one near you then do take a look at their website. I'm not sure if me going in there was a good idea or not, really. I mean I get their catalogue through the post regularly and I've eaten many a Hotel Chocolat chocolate that I've been given as gifts but actually going into the shop was a bit different. Chris has done a pretty good job of keeping me out of the shop in the past but I wanted to get a box of chocolates for a friend so I had a dang good excuse to go in there. And yes, of course I got myself chocolate. But the problem now is that I keep thinking of those slabs of chocolate, pink champagne truffles and cute little bags of chocolate drops . . . . . . . . .

1 comment:

  1. Oh MAN Hotel Chocolat...I was a member of their Chocolate Tasting Club a while back - had to stop for the good of my arteries! Great pressies though - the crates they do have probably saved many a new mum.

    Love the lentils btw...wasn't quick enough last night, but I've probably now got more beads than I know what to do with, so I might ease off for a bit :) Will probably change my mind when the Spangles are back tho!


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