
Monday 24 December 2007

Merry Christmas!

I was hoping I was going to wake up to copious amounts of snow so I could take a photo of a lovely wintery scene to accompany this post but alack, it's just damp and nothingy weatherwise.

I've still not finished the Christmas shopping - I'm going to have to go and get the last few bits today. Then there's the wrapping. I'm so, so, so behind this year.

Robyn's going to the Christingle service at the church this afternoon. Sally says that every time they drive past the church Robyn says 'That's the place where we get the orange!'. So Sally asked Robyn if she'd like to get an orange and sing some songs about Baby Jesus again this year. Robyn said 'Jesus that was in my play?' and when Sally said yes, Robyn asked 'Is Jesus really going to be there?'. Sally tried to explain that he wasn't and Christmas is Jesus's birthday and all that but Robyn just didn't get it. A few minutes later Robyn asked Sally 'Will Mary be there having Baby Jesus instead?'. Bless her! Now, that would be quite the Christingle service ......

Right. I'm off to go and sort the last few Christmas purchases, get a bit lot stressed and stand in long queues, but before I do I'd just like to say thank you to all my wondeful bead customers for their business and support in 2007.

I'd like to wish my customers, all my friends in Bead Land and my website and blog readers a very Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!

Warm wishes

Laura xxx

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Laura! Hope Santa brings you everything you want!

    Janine xx


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