
Wednesday 16 January 2008

No electricity, no beads, but new boots!

Somewhere between 4.30 and 6.30 this morning we had a powercut and the power only came back on at 6.30 tonight! I was a tad peeved because that meant I couldn't make beads today.

So, I went shopping instead and I'm a happy Laura because after several weeks-worth of searching I've finally got a pair of jeans that fit nicely (thank you River Island!) and a new pair of boots. Surprisingly, I got my boots in the sale at Clarks. Now, if you're reading that and thinking 'What a fuddy duddy shop to buy shoes!' I don't blame you because up until today I thought the same thing. I haven't had Clarks shoes since I was about twelve but I was pleasantly surprised when I was mooching around in there today. I found several pairs of boots that I liked and the ones I finally chose are so comfy! I even bought the polish and spray they always try and flog you and tonight I was sat on the kitchen floor happily a-polishing and a-buffing my new boots. I felt like I was a kid again - Mum always made us polish our school shoes on a Sunday night!

Hopefully, Southern Electric permitting, I will be back tomorrow with some new beads!


  1. Clarkes sale rocks - I wanted some of their boots but my daughter got there first!

  2. We need wellie boots here, big big puddles in the New Forest!

    Mandie x


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