
Friday 30 May 2008

Geometry Again

More of those geometric beads. This photo shows the strand from the side so you can see those stripes and that latticino a bit better.

Hopefully the weather will brighten up this weekend. Yesterday morning was so hot and muggy and it poured with rain all afternoon. What a manky day that was. I had to do Dodge The Slug as I went down the garden to put the wheelie bin out. Slugs are rubbish.

I'm going to Cambridge this afternoon so I'll post again sometime next week. Have a great weekend!


  1. Slugs are rubbish - I trod on one yesterday with no shoes on and felt it flex - yeuch - I couldn't help the involuntary yelp - I'm not too bad with things creepy and slimy but only if I know they are there!!
    Great beads again - I'd love to see what they get made into too - I have to say I wouldn't know where to start!

  2. Ooo I say, they're a bit sexy. Love 'em!!

    HP xxx

  3. I love these beads Laura - so stylish!!

    We get slugs shlurrping all over our milk bottles. I have to flick them off! Nice little image for you!! ;O)


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!