
Friday 23 May 2008

New Weezer

Weezer have just put their new video for Pork & Beans on YouTube and it's great! It has a YouTube theme and features the Numa-Numa bloke and the Chocolate Rain fella too along with lots of other familiar YouTube-ness. Just one thing though - Rivers needs to shave off his 'stache and find his glasses . . . . .


  1. Think I'm showing my age.........I've not heard of them, will have to have a good listen but I'm not a rock sort of girl, like David Bowie tho....

    Met a lady today who saw you at Flame Off, she is just starting her bead making journey and she thought you were fantastic, said you had really inspired her!


  2. They are frickin great! I'm 50 and never heard of them but my 19 year old has I bet. I will show him. Love the video.

  3. Mandie - David Bowie's great! And it's so nice to know that I've inspired someone. :o)

    Candice - Weezer are my favourite band. They've been around for about fifteen years. The video's great isn't it?!

    Laura x


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!