
Sunday 11 May 2008

Too hot for beadmaking! Too hot, I tell you!

My shed is like a sauna. I managed to make four beads yesterday and then I had to stop as I was wilting. It doesn't take a lot of heat to make me wilt - I'm a delicate flower, me! Ha! ;o) It's so warm today I didn't even attempt the making of the beads. Nicky came over this morning and gave me a copy of Step By Step Wire Jewelry which features her fantastic 'Round In Circles' bracelet tutorial. She used some of my beads in her design and it's really nice for me to see them in print. I took the step-by-step photographs for Nicky's tutorial and as a thank you she made me this wonderful silver pendant. Isn't it fab? I love it - it's very me. The magazine will be in the shops next week so if you get a chance to grab a copy, do. Nicky's tutorial is great! So it's been another bead-free weekend for me. Feels odd. I feel naughty for not being down the shed making stuff. Plus I'll be in Cambridge next weekend so that'll be three weekends off in a row! I've not been sat doing nothing, though. I've just done an hour of Yoga on the Wii Fit and no, I still can't master that balancing on one leg thing. I'm becoming quite fond of Dirk though as he's been much nicer to me lately. Today he told me I had 'beautiful form', bless him! My friends Helen and James came over for dinner last night and we spent the whole evening playing with Wii Fit. Annoyingly they have perfect BMIs, leaving me feeling like a fat hedge-pig. But I'm quite pleased with myself as I'm losing weight quite steadily. I want to drop a dress size and I'm getting there slowly through a combination of at least fifty minutes on Wii Fit every day and diet. Yes, the 'D' word. Can't believe it. I always swore to myself that I'd never do a diet of any kind and here I am being all Bridget Jones about my weight - counting naffing calories, not eating lovely puddings, abandoning my beloved chocolate, drinking two litres of uninteresting water a day, having one sugar in my tea instead of two and putting skimmed milk on my boring Shredded Wheat. I would kill for a slice of lemon meringue pie with a splodge of extra thick cream - apples and bananas just don't compare!


  1. Beautiful pendant, Nicky is really talented. I am going to try and get a copy of the magazine.

    Way too hot for beads!

    Well done for being so good and sticking to the Wii fit and diet.


  2. WOT, no beads............BOO HOO.........

    It is too hot though, I've just done a marathon session in the garden, it looks tidier but I'm hot and bothered and possibly smell like a tomcat! :-)


  3. It is far too hot I've been sat poorly with sun stroke all day! That pendant is lovely I spotted it on flikr earlier. So cute!

    Sounds like you're doing great with the diet! I hate them, I love food so much but if you give yourself a goal and reason it's a lot easier isn't it? Well done :o)

    J xxx

  4. Tina - Nicky's silverwork is fab. She had a gorgeous ring on today that I fell in love with too.

    Mandie - Today was way too hot for me. I know you hate it, but I much prefer cold weather to hot.

    Janine - You poor thing! I hope you're feeling better soon.

    I've just completed thirty minutes of stepping on Wii Fit. It did help that I had Indy to watch on TV while I was stepping. Harrison Ford in that white tux always makes things better .....

    Laura x

  5. Hey Laura,
    Love the pendant, I love Nicky's stuff anyway but this takes the biscuit doesnt it!
    I have been humming and arring whether to get a Wii Fit or not, our Jamie said No but I am thinking Yes!!!! Do keep me posted on the diet thing - I am aiming for two stone loss for August so wish another puddingaholic luck!

    love bev xxxx

  6. Hi Bev

    Get one! It's great and it works if you stick to it along with a diet. Helen and James had a go last night and they went out to buy one today!

    Laura x

  7. Beautiful pendant, lucky you! At least when the weather is warm it numbs the pudding cravings a bit, although the thought of a nice cold beer then takes over.....

  8. Wow - I'm really impressed Laura!! I think I should follow your example and cut out all the yummy food! :O( I've started going to the gym though so that's a start isn't it!?!

  9. Hi Laura! I found the page with Nicola's tutorial, featuring your beads. One can even download it, it's free.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!