
Friday 7 November 2008

'Cinnamon' Floratabs

Lampwork Glass Tab BeadsOh, how I love these! Magnolia base beads dusted with cinnamon-coloured enamel and decorated with a white flower design. Each one of these tab beads takes half an hour to make but I reckon they're worth the effort! It was just so nice to sit and make these. They're fiddly and complicated (my favourite kind of beads to make!) but such a welcome change from the simpler-therefore-cheaper-to-buy beads that I've been making recently due to the 'current financial climate'.

While I was making these Floratabs I thought 'I'm actually enjoying this!' and I haven't really felt that way about beadmaking for a good couple of months now. In fact, although the oxycon breaking last week was a pain it was also a bit of a relief because it resulted in me having a few days off. My creative batteries seem to have recharged a bit!


  1. These are so stunning Laura, your enforced break and new oxycon have certainly fired you up!! ;-D What's his name? xbeth

  2. Oh I do love the colour of these, really really classy looking!

  3. Your beads are all fabulous... but this style has got to be one of my favorites. Just gorgeous and so perfectly done :)


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!