
Sunday 8 February 2009


I love Etsy. It's full of wonderful handmade items. I spend ages there just looking around and oohing-and-aahing over all the amazing creations.

I've just set up an Etsy shop. I'm going to list some Cupcake beads there along with my Lonelies and the occasional bead set so make sure you surf on over there every now and again and have a look at what's in stock.

My Etsy shipping is free no matter whereabouts in the world you are. Everything there is listed in US Dollars so you may well need to do a touch of currency conversion from time to time. I recommend Google Finance or XE for this. If you're a non-US resident don't let the currency thing put you off. PayPal converts everything for you so making payments is an absolute doddle!

I'll be adding more beads to my Etsy shop over the next few days .....


  1. Oooh, yay! Have you checked out Artfire, too? They have a $7/month for life offer for the first 5,000 artists. I think half are gone. Listings are free.

  2. Congrats on your Etsy shop, very good idea - I favourited you too!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!