
Monday 23 March 2009

Singapore Surprise

Gift From Lyn @ FlorspaceI always love getting post. But I love getting surprise post even more! The postie just delivered the mail and she handed me a box with a Singapore stamp on it. I turned it over and read that it was from Lyn at Florspace so I grabbed my camera because I knew that whatever was inside the parcel would be wrapped up all lovely. I wasn't wrong! Lyn always makes such an effort with presentation - she makes everything look über-pretty.

So what was inside? Only the world's cutest cupcake cups, that's what!

Gift From Lyn @ FlorspaceThey really made me smile. The next batch of cupcakes I make will be baked in these. Thanks so very much, Lyn. You're such a star! And blog readers, if you haven't done so already, make sure you go and check out Lyn's Etsy shop. It's chock-full of her beautiful handmade bags and purses.


  1. Ahhhhh! These are super cute! cant wait to see more of your cakes!

    J x

  2. It was my pleasure, Laura!
    Keep those wonderful beads coming!

  3. oh my-these are to die for-you can't use them! they are so super cute..just admire them :0)

  4. :O where does she get thesecrazy cute cupcake liners


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