
Sunday 29 March 2009

Time For Tea

Time For Tea Package From KathrynA few weeks back Yvonne at Adventures Of A Lady In Training organised a craft swap. I was intrigued as I've read a lot about these swaps but have never taken part in one so I decided to bite the bullet and join in! The theme of the swap was 'Time For Tea' and we had to make a teatime-themed item for the person we were partnered up with and send it along with some tea and a few items that they could make use of with regard to their chosen craft or hobby.

My partner for the swap was Kathryn at Lazy Daisy Glass. She creates fused glass art and she sent me a whole abundance of loveliness. There were pendants and cupcakey things along with some beautiful Japanese paper, some biscuits (always good with a cuppa) and many other crafty bits and pieces. Basically, Kathryn was a fab swap partner! Please click here to see details of the contents of my swap parcel.

Time For Tea Goodies For KathrynI sent Kathryn a Cupcake Cluster necklace, some Redbush tea (her favourite), some spangly knitting needles and some buttons. Big thanks to Vonnie for arranging the swap - it was fun!

I'm blogging this from Chris's flat as I'm in Cambridge. I'm off to Southampton tomorrow afternoon to see Dylan as it's his first birthday this week - can't believe he's a whole year old. Where does the time seem to be disappearing to this year? Is it just me or is 2009 just flying by?

Beads for sale later in the week ..... promise!

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