
Friday 10 April 2009


Cupcake GoodiesYesterday was The Day Of Unexpected Post and two of the deliveries I received were cupcake-related. Firstly, my friend Helen in Southampton (whom I miss terribly) sent me a gorgeous ceramic cupcake pot for Easter and secondly Caroline from Uniqart posted me a cute amigurumi cupcake! I've named him Colin and he's living next to Bridget Blobite and all the other little nice-to-look-at things on my desk. Isn't he just so sweet? I can never get over how creative Caroline is - she's always making wonderful things. In fact, she's kindly agreed to be my next interviewee so look out for that interview next week.

I'm travelling up to London this afternoon because tonight Chris and I are going to the O2 to see Star Wars : A Musical Journey which should be good, then I'll be spending Easter weekend in Cambridge.

I hope you all have an ace weekend. Make sure that you eat far too much chocolate!


  1. Oooh, Star Wars: A Musical Journey will be awesome! Have a fab Easter Laura....Kanina xx

  2. I heard about this on the radio this morning and naturally assumed you'd be going so I'm delighted to be proven right. :-) Have a great time!

  3. oh lovely cupcakes! Caroline's is so cute!

  4. lucky girl, have fun at the Star Wars Musical, sounds interesting...

  5. hi Laura..
    we love you beads..
    mona & the girls


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