
Friday 24 April 2009

One down, one to go

Dead Simple Lace SockHere's half a pair of the Dead Simple Lace socks that I mentioned in my last post. Better get on and knit the other sock or I'll have one warm foot and one chilly one!

DaffodilNo real news today so I thought I'd share a couple of photos with you. The one above is a shot of a gorgeous daffodil (I just mis-typed that as dafoodil - ha!) which is part of a huge bunch that Veryan kindly gave me.

And the picture below is Jemima and Martha enjoying some newly-laid turf. Aw!

Jemima & MarthaI'm off up to Cambridge to see Chris this afternoon. Fingers crossed that when I come back I'll have some beadmaking ability. Have a great weekend!


  1. aw they're sweet!

  2. when you come to see me in California can you bring the
    Guinea pigs to play with
    sammy in our yard? they are so cute...come see me I miss you...

  3. Yum yum, bet Jemima and Martha love their new grass. Daffs look stunning now they are out, hope the brightened up your day Vx

  4. Aww those Guinea Pigs look so snuggly!
    Nic xx


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