
Monday 20 April 2009

They're everywhere!

Silver Cupcake Earrings By Helen ProleNow I can even adorn my earlobes with cupcakes courtesy of the fantastically talented Helen Prole of Beady Bugs. Aren't these fine silver earrings just so sweet? Helen made them for me and I love them - they are so small and perfect. And so very very shiny. I've been wearing them all weekend. Thanks HP! Helen is a fellow perfectionist and her work always makes me gasp in wonderment. If you've never had the pleasure of seeing her magnificent animal beads and superb jewellery then do head on over to her website and have a virtual wander through her galleries. You're in for a treat!

I've had another action-packed weekend. I seem to spend most of my life on trains at the moment. I travelled down Winchester way on Friday night and stayed with my friend Elaine for the weekend. I haven't seen her since I moved so we had a good old natter, ate lots of pudding, did some shopping and basically had a great time. We went and saw Lesley and David, some of Mum's friends, on Saturday evening and we had a fabulous dinner aboard their boat, Nautibuoy. It was such a lovely night.

Then yesterday evening before I caught my train home I made a flying visit to see Helen and James who again I hadn't seen for six months. I'll sound like an old person when I say this, but I can't believe how much their children, Ben and Emily, have grown! We had tea and cake (Helen knows me too well) and a very quick play of Guitar Hero on the Wii. I tell you, I am totally pathetic at that game. I selected Weezer's My Name Is Jonas as I know it inside out and back to front, but no, I was thoroughly useless. It's official - I absolutely suck at Guitar Hero. What made me laugh was that little three-year-old Emily knew all the words to the Weezer tune. That child has taste!


  1. nautibuoy! genius!!

    nice earrings too. well done HP :)

  2. Hey, they are real cute. Well done Helen!

  3. Hi Laura - so chuffed you liked them, thank you for the lovely compliments. *blush* Sounds like you had a great weekend!! :-)

    And thanks Steph and Joy. I have to say I am rather taken with silverclay Joy - the possibilities are endless aren't they!

    HP xxx

  4. Stunning earrings, they are just perfect.

  5. Great that you had such a lovely weekend, Laura.
    I love Helen's cupcake earrings, & her beads. A while ago, I followed the link to Helen's website from your own, Laura, and Helen has made me some gorgeous beads of "my boys" (ie cats - Jasper & Jensen). I'll bring them along with me on Thursday so you can see them (the beads, not the cats!).
    Kay, So'ton. xx

  6. cupcakes everywhere.... I meant to tell you, there is a great big oil painting of a cupcake in the current exhibition at the Pannett Art Gallery in Whitby. It is entitled 'Dinky' and is by an artist called Rob Symington


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