
Thursday 11 June 2009

Beads ..... and another button

Etched Lampwork Glass BeadsI'm on a Luminobead kick at the moment! These 'Springtime' ones are made in a variety of pretty colours. I do love the 'glowing' effect.

Lampwork Glass ButtonAnd above is another button. This one is a kind of irregular triangle shape. It has a clear centre with a black surround. I spent far too long on this button but I had a vision in my head and I wanted to make it a buttony reality. And I did.


  1. Divine! Are you going to use the button on something special for yourself?

  2. Ahh, Laura - you're beads are so delicious! And I'm extremely imipressed with your lace scarf. I won't be trying that project any time soon. I'm happy to get a stockinette stitch shawl done! (I've been attempting to learn knitting for 20's about time I finished one project...tons of mistakes, but I'm still impressed with myself.)

    And your buttons!!! I've tried three lately. All hideously ugly. The second banana one wasn't as horribly bad as the first one, but it's still a bit lumpy. It helped to keep it in one color. But my first one...well, only a mother could love that ugly little thing...;-) But I's gots to start somewheres.

  3. Hmmm lumino beads - gorgeous.
    Loving the buttons as well. They would look fab on a homemade bag. Vx

  4. Totally scrummy, the buttons are beautiful!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!