
Tuesday 25 August 2009

Not Too Good

Hello Beadpeople

I'm writing this from Chris's computer as I'm still in Cambridge. I started feeling all coldy and flu-like on Sunday and stayed here yesterday as I had zero energy for travelling. Yesterday evening I got worse and Dr Chris had to do the whole phoning-NHS-Direct thing. At midnight he went off to the medical centre to get me some tablets to stop me being sick ... and they did. Today I feel all weak and feeble so I shan't travel home until tomorrow now.

Just thought I'd let you know in case you were wondering where I'd got to.

Off for a Lemsip now .....


  1. I'm so sorry you're feeling poorly. I find Lemsips amazingly comforting and they help me to sleep when I'm feeling like that. If you're awake, watch DVDs or listen to the radio, daytime TV is deadly! ;-) Get well soon, Laura!

  2. Poor you, sending huge hugs and get well soo smooches xxxxx

  3. Hope you feel better soon!

  4. Oh dear, Laura! I hope you feel better soon. We are all so obsessed with you-know-what (the Voldemort of flu) that we forget that there are other bugs out there. At least you're in good hands. Take care.

  5. Poor you - not the Swine Flu I hope. Get well soon!

  6. Sorry to hear you are not feeling to good - hope you'll feel better soon.
    Love Val xx

  7. That sounds horrible - I know you're feeling a bit better by now but still look after yourself!
    Hey I thought the yarn looked familiar, then I saw the tags! I adore that polka dot box further down too, it's gorgeous! And the cupcake, how cute is that! :)


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!