
Saturday 29 August 2009


Lavender Mists Silk YarnDue to my cold, I have no beads to show you so in the meantime I'm going to bore you with knitting stuff.

This wondrous yarn arrived today. It's one hundred percent silk and I bought it from Eirwen at KnitWitches Yarns. The colour is called 'Lavender Mists' and it's a dreamy blend of palest lavender and silvery white. The sheen is out of this world - it's almost like it was spun from lavender-coloured stars. Magical! It's going to be a scarf for me.

Right - I'm off to see if I've got any beadmaking ability. Catch you later!


  1. Now that's unfair, showing me yarn like that! Too gorgeous!

  2. I look forward to seeing that made up - what fantastic yarn. I'm also glad to hear you're feeling well enough to get back to beadmaking! Stay well.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!