
Wednesday 30 September 2009

The Z-Beads Blog

One of my favourite lampworkers has recently started blogging and I'm very pleased about it because her beads are just gorgeous and she has me in stitches with her writing so I urge you to go visit Sarah Moran's blog and see what I'm talking about.

Sarah sells her beads through her Z-Beads website but if you fancy nabbing some of her 'Superstars' you really have to be lightning-quick because these get snapped up in seconds when she lists them. I am fortunate enough to own some of Sarah's glass beauties and they really are fabulous. Go on - go have a look-see!


  1. Awesome! Thanks for the heads-up. I love Sarah's website but I hadn't heard yet that she had a new blog. You are really "in-the-know"!

  2. Totally agree and I'm so glad she's blogging. She does crack me up and I adore her style as well. She's on my blog roll.


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