
Saturday 12 December 2009

December Prize Draw

Beads By Laura HQI've got a bit of a different prize for you this month. As it's the end of the year and I'm feeling (a little bit) festive I thought I'd make the prize a good'un and offer one of you the chance to come and melt glass with me in the New Year.

So if you've always fancied having a go at making beads, or if you already do and you would like to come and learn some new glassy things with me then leave a comment on this post or zap me an email and I will put everyone's names in the Lego Tombola for a chance to win.

The beadmaking session will be a five hour one (normally £130.00) and the resulting winner and I will organise a suitable date for next year.

I will draw the winner on Sunday 20th December.

Now, the draw is open to anyone anywhere BUT if you're not in the UK then I must stress that I am not going to pay for anyone's hotels, flights, ferries or other means of travel so please only enter the prize draw if you're up for travelling to me in Abingdon, Oxfordshire.

Thank you and good luck!


  1. I think it's madness but I can't pass on this chance! Oh well, IF I win and I'm rubbish at making beads, we can always talk about shoes!

    Please include me in the draw Laura!

  2. What a fab prize, I would love to win this...please include me too!

  3. Oh my, how EXCITING! Wish I lived closer :( I'm gonna check on the cost of travel and hotels. Keep your fingers crossed that I can be included in the draw! Will let cha know! :)

  4. Oh wow what a fab and generous prize !! Please include me I would love to spend a day melting glass with you !!

  5. Wow! I would love to learn! Please enter me! :o)

  6. That is such a generous prize Laura!!! I wish I was well enough to travel because I would soooo be sticking my name down *laughs*!

    Good luck to everyone entering. Can't wait to see what you and the winner will end up making together XD

  7. ooh, laura you're a star to offer this. Please enter me in the draw!

  8. Holy Moly Lovely Lady, this is a fabulosa giveaway, please enter me. Hiw are you amazing shoes, still love?! xxxxx

  9. Simply cannot resist this fantastic opportunity!
    Merry Christmas Laura!

  10. Please include me in your prize draw. I would love to melt glass with you!

  11. Oh Wow Laura, what a prize. Count me in please, pretty please!!!! :-D

  12. Now let me think about this - the chance to come and melt glass again....errr yes please.
    I am now going to cross all my fingers and toes in order to help me win. Thank you for doing such a fab giveaway please enter me x

  13. Hhhmm if entering the prize draw means I can make scrummy beads like the ones on your calendar.....count me in please....!!

  14. Oh my...i would love to melt glass with you...pleasy squeezy let it be me...fingers crossed!;o)

  15. Well that is most generous gesture. I would certainly be honoured, should I win the lottery. Pitty a live in the Netherlands :-(

    Have a great Holiday season!


  16. Wow, great prize!! Please include me in the draw.

    Best wishes

  17. This is a very generous prize! Having seen your wonderful beads I was planning to sign myself up for a taster session at a Bristol studio but this offer is too much to pass up! Please add my name to the lego tombola.

    Merry Christmas, Sue.

  18. A fabulous give away and though I live really far, I want a chance to win too. I'll just have to treat myself, which I haven't done in absolutely ages.

    Thanks for giving away this give away.

    Now I'll just cross everything and make a Christmas wish.

  19. Oh my, what a fantastic prize, please, please put my name down you generous lady x

  20. Wow what a fantastic prize, please put my name in for this as well, i have had a taster of lampworking and loved it and it would be amazing to learn how to make beads from someone as talented as yourself, fingers crossed. x

  21. Wow, what a great prize. I'm up north but I've been wanting to try this for years. The only courses I've seen are down south so I've decided the only way to get to play is to combine it with a holiday.

    I only found your site a few weeks ago but I've become a regular reader. It's so inspiring, seeing you make all the pretty things.

  22. Hi Laura,
    it would be great to meet up again and to learn something else new from you, a fabulous teacher! Please add me to your list and I'll try to keep everything crossed till the big draw, many thanks

  23. Thank you Laura, that is a wonderful prize idea. Please count me in. Toika

  24. Keep the entries coming people!

    Jeannie! Been wanting to find some way of contacting you. I need to thank you for that parcel you sent. So sweet of you! And thank you for your Christmas card too. When you get a sec please email me so I can thank you properly.

    Laura x

  25. I would love to have a go. I dream of being able to make beads :-)

  26. Hi Laura,
    having spent the last 16 years working with glass beads I would love the opportunity to learn a bit about making them, please could you include me in your very generous draw.

  27. Please include me in your draw Laura. I am desperate to master some stringer control.

    Thanks Yvette

  28. What a fantastic prize! Please put me in the draw :)


  29. What a fantastic and generous giveaway Laura. Please put me in the draw. You are a great teacher and I would love to win it!

    Joy x

  30. Wow what a great prize, I'd love a chance to have a go at making beads with you.

  31. WOW! What a fab prize :) Please do enter me in the tombola. Merry Xmas Laura.

  32. I would so love to win!!! pop me in your tombola pleeeeese! Merry Christmas Laura!

  33. What a fantastic idea...I would love the chance to come up to you and melt glass.

  34. Oh Laura, I'd so much like to win this one ... I've been wanting to give glass bead making a go for ages now ... so please include me in the draw! ;-)
    Hope you are yours have a fabulous Christmas and a lovely 2010!

  35. I hope you have some spare Lego as i think you may need to make a larger tombola.What a wonderful prize,please include me too i desperately need help with encasing.

  36. Oh my goodness!! what a fabbo prize - yes please, enter me too!!
    xx Beth

  37. Amazing prize! And no pathetically easy question with multiple-choice answers, like:

    What does Laura make:
    (a) bird tables
    (b) beads
    (c) hay while the sun shines?

    Please put me in the draw!


  38. Hi Laura
    Please can you put me in the draw! :)
    Naomi Tillin

  39. hiya
    ive already had a turn but im greedy so please enter me in the draw CQ :)

  40. No worries, Caz! Quite a few people that have been before have entered and that's all good with me! Means I can't be *that* bad .....

    So many names in the hat! I've got the same quantity again in email entries.

    Laura x

  41. Me me me! Would love to win - and Abingdon is very handy for the in-laws!

  42. What a fabulous prize and an amazingly generous one at that.

    Please, please may I be entered?

  43. Oh my goodness, what a fantastic opportunity, so glad I saw this, please may I be included in the draw Laura, it would make my year! x (and Happy Christmas, hope you have a lovely time!) x

  44. Hi, Please add me to the prospective giant lego tombola too :) Thanks!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!