
Tuesday 20 April 2010


Hand Knitted SocksThe other day Chris pointed out to me that I hadn't blogged any of my sock knitting for a while. This is because I have been suffering from severe SSS - Second Sock Syndrome. This is when you knit the first sock and then you just can't be arsed to complete the second one. I have six socks that have no partners. Aw, isn't that sad?!

Zauberball Crazy Sock YarnBut I am knitting socks. I completed this pair a couple of weeks ago but never got round to photographing them. They're knitted in Zauberball Crazy sock yarn which I purchased from Loop at the end of last year. These socks hung about on my knitting needles for the best part of three months and I finally pulled my finger out and got them finished. I like them - they match but they don't, if you see what I mean. The yarn itself is a lot of fun to work with - you don't quite know what you're going to get until you knit it up.


  1. Are you on I imagine you are, as knit-savvy as you are.

    All I can manage right now is the simplest of summer handbags!

  2. I am indeed, Lori. My username is Spangly77.

    Laura :o)

  3. I love the color yarn you used. I am going to have to show my mom because I call her the "Yarn Whore". Mom loves to collect yarn to use to knit chemo caps or premi caps we donate.

  4. Ah, Zauberball yarn is terrific! Love the socks - who cares if they match, it's better that way!

  5. Laura your socks are just gorgeous!! Now we need to learn to knit in our sleep and that time can be reserved for the second sock!!
    I am going to have to buy some of that yarn :-)
    Keep having fun

  6. They are great socks! I bet the lonely ones sitting in your knitting bag are equally lovely. I have two pairs on the go at the moment, plus my black shawl which I haven't picked up in an age and just started a new cardigan. I thought with 4 UFOs I was risking second sock syndrome. I hope I can't catch it over the internet as you seem to have a particularly bad case ;-)


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!