
Sunday 11 April 2010

Some new beads

Spotty Lampwork Glass BeadsI've just been taking advantage of the bright sunny weather and I've been out in the back garden photographing yesterday's beads.

The ones at the top of the post are made from CiM Pink Champagne, a glass that begs to be photographed in natural light in order to show off its wonderful pinkness. The beads have a core of CiM Heffalump cased in the Pink Champagne and the spots and spacers are CiM Lapis which is actually a gorgeous indigo. Such a girly set of beads!

The lentil beads below are a rich warm gold-yellow with metallic accents and subtle pink touches. They have a brilliant glossy shine to them.

Lampwork Glass Lentil BeadsBoth of these bead sets and more will be available to buy on my website at 8.30pm (UK time) tomorrow evening.

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