
Sunday 11 July 2010

Project De-Weed

Me doing a spot of de-weedingChris and I went and bought gardening gloves and de-weeding potion yesterday but the afternoon was way too hot for gardening activity so we tackled the front garden this morning instead.

Front Garden : BeforeThe photo above shows the 'garden' before we started - just gravel and a bazillion weeds including dandelions, nettles and some fluffy lightweight green stuff.

Here's a picture of Chris in his gardening gloves - I never thought I'd ever see him in a pair of those!

Chris TitchmarshAbout an hour later the garden looked like this :

Front Garden : AfterMuch better! Okay, it still has a few green bits but the weedkiller will take care of those. It looks much neater now. We think we'll grass the area eventually but for the time being it's nice to be in the kitchen and not be looking out at a mini jungle.


  1. What a great job you have both done, just put some plant pop out just now to add a touch of colour.

  2. Thanks Eve! We'll add some pots of flowers soon.

    And thank you, Beards. Unlike Dimmock I am wearing undergarments and I'll just point out that YOU took the photo! ;o)

    L xxx

  3. Job well done! I agree, just needs some nice plants in pots.....

  4. Too hot for gloves
    x x x There must be someone around who loves the greenstuff that they might want to take it off your hands. :-)

  5. I hate gardening gloves. You can't feel what your doing. I like the dirt under my finger nails

  6. You did a fantastic job looks much better!

  7. Fiona - a lot of the bigger weeds had thorny bits hence the gloves. Even though Chris had gloves on one of the thorny weeds jabbed into his hand.

  8. The ownership of gardening gloves is like an admission that you are really now a responsible adult ;-) it'll be pipe and slippers next! Seriously, great job, it's so satisfying when you can see such a difference after a bit of effort.

  9. Awesome job! Could you both fly to the states and work on my yard? I love how the yard looks after wards but I hate doing it!

  10. That's a job well done. I started on my front garden a couple of weeks ago but then lost momentum, you have inspired me to crack on and get it finished!

    Glad the whole move went well.

    Best wishes,
    Lisa :)

    ps. Have finally started on a pair of knitted socks!!!!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!