
Monday 7 March 2011

Busy Bee

Bee on a crocus
It has been such a beautiful spring day here.  It was quite crisp and chilly but the sun shone and it made me feel all smiley.  I sat in the garden with a cup of tea at lunchtime and I saw this big bee buzzing around the crocuses.  He was caked in pollen and I was only able to take one photograph before he flew off.

Purple Crocus

My first purple crocus bloomed today.  Its petals are kind of crinkly and wrinkly (I don't know if that's how it's supposed to be) and it is such a fantastic colour.

The guinea pigs were enjoying the weather too.  Here's Lisa on the grass :

Guinea piglet mowing the grass

She's hiding behind the pig igloo - pigloo, if you will - which is a much better hiding place than the one she found yesterday.  For a horrid few minutes I thought she was lost.  Chris and I were searching all over the place for her and we eventually discovered her wedged between two bin bags behind the wheelie bins.

I hope the weather was nice for you today too?


  1. Sounds lovely...I can't wait to sit outside! It's gorgeous here but still very cold. Just happy the sun's shining so beautifully!

    Enjoy your lovely flowers and the every delightful guinea pigs...


  2. Good Monday to you Laura,that word "pigloo" made me lol and what a beautiful pic of the bumble bee,right now here in Canada we are still looking a a lot of snirt(snow&dirt)not a bumble bee in sight.Have a great day ttfn :)

  3. Fabulous photo of the bee - cherish him! They are getting scarce everywhere. Gorgeous crocii, love the intensity. Why can't I get glass that colour? Here I have a beautiful Aussie autumn day. It is definitely my favourite time of year. Usually calm weather and without the bite of the summer sun.

  4. It wasn't warm enough for bees but still sunny. If the bees are emerging, spring must be just round the corner!

  5. It's lovely here too both yesterday and today. It definitely lifts the spirits. I just nipped in to make a cuppa so I can "do a Laura" - checking blogs whilst waiting for the kettle to boil!

    Haven't seen any bees yet; will keep my eyes peeled.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!