
Friday 3 February 2012

Some stuff what I have done

As I said in my last post, I haven't been doing a lot.  But even so I have recorded these non-events using the medium of iPhone photography. Please allow me to bore you with some of those images now ...

Me, staring out of a window and looking miserable

I've been doing quite a lot of staring out of windows.

Mmmmm, foamy chai latte

I've become addicted to chai tea latte.

Strumpet foots

I am still obsessed with red.

Victorian post box

I have developed an alarmingly keen interest in post boxes.

Pineapple upside down cake

I keep making kitsch-but-yum pineapple upside down cakes.

Matt Berry's 'Witchazel'

I've been listening to and letching on Matt Berry. (*purr-grunt*)

Red shoes and fire!

I've been trying to make beadmaking a tad more glam.

Sweet Peanuts

I've been eating sweet peanuts. (Remember those?)

Purple glass bubble

I had a go at blowing glass on a tiny scale.

Me, staring at the tellybox

And I've seen some truly awful TV.  Here's me watching Cash In The Attic.

So there you have it.  I've been making beads in between all that but you've seen those already.  I think that just about brings you up to date. Now I just need to stay on top of this blogging malarkey ...


  1. Love the photos. Reminded me that my OH was interested in post boxes for a while - yes, it was a bit alarming!
    But you are not alone, there is even a Letter Box Study Group website!

  2. There's nothing wrong with having a quiet life - I'd certainly swap with you at the moment. It must be agreeing with you 'cos you are looking very glam in those pictures!

  3. hey gorgeous, it seems I've been in the same places as you {not literally that is!} but yes, lots of nothing besides not blogging!

    My recent loves are cappacino's not chai tea latte, rolos and not sweet peanuts {altho' I do remember eating those when I was young and innocent} lots of staring out of windows and watching pointless tv, thinking of making jewellery and not blowing glass and finally dreaming of gorgeous red shoes instead of owning those gorgeous ones attached to your feet {they are a perfection of awesome-ness! I LOVE them SOOO much!}

    have a fab weekend sweetie....


    hello gorgeous xxx

  4. I love this shoes. Very nice ♥

  5. Lovely photos :)
    I've not blogged for over 2 months, it's shocking how easy it is to just not get around to blogging for no particular reason. Anyway it's nice to hear from you again!

  6. Oh I am in love with those shoes! Sweet peanuts- I cant tell you how many decades since I had those last- are they as good as they used to be? I found tooty frooties a while back( a childhood love) and they were AWFUL as an adult!lol


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!