
Thursday 16 May 2013

I bring you (more) flowers

Lampwork glass beads

Yes, more flowery beads, this time in the ever-so-'80s colour combination that is soft grey and lemon yellow and also in very pretty and cheery turquoise and pink.

Lampwork glass beads

Both sets are in the shop now and I've also made more of the 'Banana & Strawberry' and the 'Forget-Me-Not' beads.

I've been bead cleaning, photographing, Facebooking, Pinteresting, tweeting and now blogging since I woke up. I must get my arse down to the shed and start some non-cyber-virtual actual factual work!

See you later,


  1. Ooh, that second set is so cute!!! Those colors go so well together<3

  2. Oh Laura more fabulousness! it's so hard to resist your beads :) Viv xx


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