
Friday 27 September 2013

'Acorn & Oak Leaf' Necklaces

Lampwork glass 'Acorn & Oak Leaf' necklace by Laura Sparling
I'm fully aware that I'm neglecting this blog.

Since I made a page for my beads on Facebook I've found it so much quicker and easier to use that for updates. However, I know that not everybody uses Facebook so I must make more of an effort to update here more often.

So what have I been up to?

Making acorns and oak leaves, mostly. These aren't strictly beads; they're headpins. The oak leaves are hand-shaped and the acorns are finished off with a little brass bead cap.

Lampwork glass 'Acorn & Oak Leaf' necklaces by Laura Sparling

These necklaces are available in a variety of autumnal shades and if you fancy you can mix and match acorns and leaves.

Each Acorn & Oak Leaf necklace costs £18.00 and they're available to order right here.

Going back to Facebook ... if you do have a Facebook account then you might be interested to know that I am giving one of these necklaces away over there. This one, in fact:
Lampwork glass 'Acorn & Oak Leaf' necklace by Laura Sparling
Please visit my Facebook page for all the giveaway details.

Have a fab Friday!


  1. these are lovely! I can't make up my mind which one I like best :0))

  2. Love these necklaces! Thank you for remembering us dinosaurs who are still not on Facebook..


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!