
Wednesday 13 April 2016

I have beadish stuff to show you

Lampwork glass beads by Laura Sparling

I've not got a whole lot to say, but I do have some beads to show you. First up are the groovy '70s Wallpaper' ones above. I'm pretty sure these were subconsciously influenced by HBO's Vinyl. I flipping love that show so much.

Then there are these 'Aquathyst' (aqua and amethyst) ones...

Lampwork glass beads by Laura Sparling

I reckon if these had a smell, they would whiff of things from Lush. I know that sounds bizarre but to me they look like they should smell of shower gel or bubble bath or something.

And lastly, I have the 'Garland' jewellery back from Making Jewellery.

Lampwork glass bead jewellery by Laura Sparling

This necklace, bracelet and earrings set is a one-off and it's available on my website, along with the beads above.


  1. Oooh I do like the '70's inspired ones! Reminds me of the orange flared trousers I used to wear when I was 12 waaaaaay back then! AND the orange flowered large lapel blouse. OMG! With my red hair I must have looked sooooo trendy! Hee hee. The garland looks lovely too!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!