
Tuesday 10 March 2009

Ooh La La

Cupcake NecklacesSo here's what's been keeping me busy - a big batch of cupcake necklaces! I've just this minute finished packing them up into their pretty pink recycled boxes which I've decorated with little lilac bows.

Cupcake Necklace BoxesThese are heading off to Synie's Cupcakes in Paris. How exciting is that? My little beads are travelling to France to be sold in a cupcake shop. I've never been to Paris. I've always wanted to go there ever since I did my History Of Art A-Level and I can't believe my glass gems are going to get there before me!


  1. Wow that's fabulous..... I want to go and see them all now

  2. Wow Laura, that is fab. You must be sooo proud xx

  3. oooo I love the boxes too, they are soooo pretty

  4. Congratulations Laura! I'm sure yours look more delicious than the real thing!

  5. Yay!! Way to go Laura...they look fab :)

  6. How exciting - they look great!

  7. They look SOOOO beautiful!!!!
    Great packages!! SO beautiful and sweet!!!
    I'm sure she will ask for more!!!
    Maybe you can make a personal delivery!!!!

  8. Wow I'm so pleased for you Laura! That's so great. They all look fantastic in their boxes! :o)

  9. Oooh - well done you, they look great

  10. Fantastic Laura! Congratulations. xx

  11. Oooh la la indeed. Me thinks a trip to Paris to see them in situ is needed. Purely for business reasons of course :)

  12. I love these so much. They look so pretty and yummy. You have to take a visit to see them in place in the shop.

  13. Oh, wow! How gorgeous! Congratulations on the order :-)

  14. That's great, congratulations! They're such lovely beads, but they do make me feel peckish every time I see them! :)

  15. Dont want to make anyone jealous, but I was there using Laura's torch and hanging out with her when she put the finishing touches on these lovelies, they are so yummy, I just wanted to eat one, but I was good & just gawked...I think the pictures are good but ther are even better in person...

  16. Thank you for all the wonderful comments! I'm stoked that my beads are going to be for sale in Paris.

    And yes, Chris and I are going to take a trip there soon and maybe I'll go visit my cupcakes in situ!

    Thanks Jelveh! :o)

  17. Oh bravo Laura!! How cool are they, and destined for Gay Paree, c'est formidable n'est ce pas!
    x Beth

  18. Wow! Congratulations Laura - just beautiful! Lots of little boxes of cupcake heaven.

    My friend Sheila has just told me about a cupcake shop near her in Chorlton. Guess where we're going next week. LOL! Yummy! :-)

    HP xxx

  19. Wow!! How exciting Laura! Congratulations :D


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