Friday 5 August 2016

Change of name

Due to a very long-winded and boring reason, all to do with Google accounts and domain names and yawwwn, I've ditched my custom domain name ( for this blog. Every year, renewing it is such a pain in the neck. This is because when I first registered it six years ago it was done through Blogger, which is part of Google but then I changed my email address and then Google changed stuff and logging into the account I needed to in order to sort it all out was a nightmare. The only way Google will let me access the dashboard I need to access now is to pay for a Google 'work' account and just no. I'm not paying for a Google account just to get access to a domain name that I already pay for, so sod it. I've reverted back to the original domain name which is Please update any bookmarks accordingly. If you subscribe via email you shouldn't need to change anything; you'll still receive updates whenever I post.

I don't think many people read my blog anyway so I'm probably just waffling on into a void here but still, now you know.

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