Saturday 9 October 2010

Messy Workbench

What a state!
I think I need to tidy up.


  1. Ummm...swop the glass for silver and that's pretty much the state of my desk. I took a photo of it this morning to shame myself into tidying it up!

  2. ye mine is pretty much the same as you both, i tidy mine but within half and hour it's a total mess again.

  3. You might infringe your creative process!! I would put away one or two things and then start again!! lol

  4. My desk is the same.....if you tidy up you won't be able to find anything and that will infringe your creativity. That's what I tell myself anyway....

  5. Oh but I actually love that sight because it means you're happily at work!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!