Wednesday 20 April 2016

And it was all yellow

Daffodil with a solar flare, taken with my iPhone 6s

The last couple of days have been sponsored by the colour yellow.

I bought a couple of bunches of daffodils on Saturday and I was expecting them to be bog standard, all-yellow, classic daffodils, but when they opened they had pale yellow petals and deep orange trumpets. Pretty!

I took a few photos of them using my Olloclip macro lenses.

Inside a daffodil, taken with my iPhone 6s and Olloclip
Daffodil gubbins

There was a tiny little fly inside one of the daffodils.

Tiny fly inside a daffodil, taken with my iPhone 6s and Olloclip

I also took a photo of a bright yellow dandelion on the lawn.

Dandelion, taken with my iPhone 6s and Olloclip
Reminds me of fire

Then while I was putting glass rods away I found a rod of yellow Creation is Messy glass from a couple of testing bundles back. I don't quite know why I never got around to testing it, but I thought I'd give it a go because I need a new yellow for my Bumblebeads. I used to use CiM Hollandaise for them but that is long gone now, so this bee, the flowers and the yellow spacers in this set are made with CiM Goldenrod.

Lampwork glass bee and flower beads by Laura Sparling

Goldenrod is a touch brighter than Hollandaise, which was a bit more mustard with a tad more orange about it. Goldenrod is a very yellow yellow, but not in an acid yellow kind of way. It's just a bright, happy yellow. It works well for my Bumblebeads as it's not streaky. Some opaque yellows get transparent streaks in them but Goldenrod is a nice 'flat' yellow. I've ordered some more so I can make a few more bees.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!