Saturday 18 June 2011

'Mr.Blue Sky' & 'Classic'

Lampwork Glass Beads

The  blue beads above and the classic black and white polka dotty ones below are for sale on the Freshly Baked Beads page of my website now.

Lampwork Glass Beads
I'm currently sat here with my head wrapped in clingfilm; I'm trying henna for the first time.  Who knows what will happen?  I'm a little bit nervous but you've got to try these things, haven't you?  I will let you know how it goes, that's if I'm not sat in the bathroom crying because my locks have turned some awful colour .....


  1. Those 'Mr Blue Sky' beads are gorgeous, I just wasn't quick enough to get them. Hope the henna is working out ok.

  2. Those blue beads are so beautiful! Amazing work as always.

  3. Your beads are so very lovely! A pleasure for the eyes.

  4. Your dot placement is exact! *Love*


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!