Thursday 25 March 2021

Blog like no one is reading

Chris asked me yesterday how my blog revival was going. I told him that next-to-nobody is reading it or interacting with it but that I don't care and I'm carrying on regardless because I find it comforting. It's nice to put a few thoughts and pictures out there, I think. Little snippets of life recorded until the servers are no more. I'm enjoying reading other people's blogs too. Bring blogging back, I say!

Crochet blanket
Crochet in the morning sunshine

I've not got much to report because nothing much is happening. I've been getting up early to crochet before work because the mornings are lighter earlier and once the sunshine has woken me up I'm awake for good. There's no point lying there in bed effing-and-jeffing at Twitter and the news on my phone, so I get up, make myself a cup of tea, feed Nigel, then get a couple of hours of crochet done.

Lampwork beads on mandrels

I'm enjoying the new CiM colours and there are some really lovely ones in this batch. I'm in a polka dot mood this week so every passing bead is getting polka dotted to within an inch of its life.

Lampwork bead in CiM Heather

This bobbly one is polka dotty too, just with added raised bumps. In case you're interested this bead is CiM Heather with polka dots in CiM Quetzal, topped with CiM Aegean.

I'm very much liking the springtime. Last week the flowering cherry tree I walk past on my way to the shop had burst into full bloom.

White flowering cherry tree in full bloom

I love this particular tree because we used to have one like it at home. My Great Uncle Bernard gave it to me when I was really small. I got a flowering cherry and my mum got an apple tree. Here's a photo of me watering one of them just after we'd planted it.

Young me doing some gardening
Socks and sandals

Both trees grew to be quite large over the years and sadly we had to have them taken down not long before we moved as the roots were doing damage to the lawn. Still, whenever I see flowering cherries I always think of the one at the bottom of our garden.

Anyway, I'm off to clean some beads and take some pictures of them and then I should be back later with another testing post.


  1. Hi!
    Lovely to visit with you, and to see you enjoying the Aria.
    I think blogging is hugely therapeutic and I agree with you in that I would blog even if nobody was out there I think. Having said that, I adore the connection that happens in the comments, so here is my telling you I'm here and that I enjoyed reading you blog....keep it coming! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Hello, Lucy, and thank you ever so much! Yes, there is something great about blog comments, isn’t there? It’s great that you’re blogging regularly again. I do enjoy seeing your out-and-about photos. And thanks for the Aria pattern! I’ve almost finished my second one and I’ve loved making both of them. X

  2. Who is Nigel? Great sandals.

  3. I always enjoy your blogs and was sad when you stopped. But as an off and on blogger myself, I do understand the ups and downs of blogging. I moved over to Instagram because it was much less demanding and as I have added on years I have less to say. I am just glad your blog is back!

    1. Aw, thanks Sally! It’s much easier to keep up with people on Instagram. Keeping up with blogs takes a little more effort and a few more clicks.

  4. Tiny Laura is just adorable 🥰

    1. Marieke – I particularly like her all-in-one flares suit. Very groovy!

  5. I agree, bring back blogging -huzzah!
    I’m still blogging, mostly for my own benefit because no one reads it but I enjoy doing it so that’s fine. I turned off commenting so I didn’t have to address the tumbleweed aspect of things!
    I still read my favourites, yours included obvs. I’m glad you’re back.

    1. I read it, Judith! If you look at my ‘blogs I like’ bit on my sidebar (on desktop/tablet) you are there! So know that I am looking. :-)

      I was going to send you a pic of one of your beads that I have. It’s one of the cane-over-a-core ones you blogged about a few weeks back.

    2. Aw, thank you, that’s cheered me right up 😊
      Hilariously I couldn’t remember which the cane over core beads were and had to go and check my blog. So on a personal level blogging is v. good for supporting my feeble memory.

  6. Hi Laura! I didn't know you'd started your bloggery again, so I've just had a lovely catch up - thank you. I am crocheting first thing too - Lucy's hydreangea blanket. My partner is a postie so up & about at a ridiculous time, & I love doing something creative for those 2 hours before normal getting up time. Starts the day off perfectly even if everything goes down hill from then on 🤣

    1. Hi Kim! It’s a good time to crochet. As you say, starts the day off right.


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