Tuesday 25 January 2011

Hungarian Hot Wax

Chilli Seeds
No, I'm not blogging about some new-fangled hair removal fad although I dread to think what a 'Hungarian Hot Wax' would involve.

The Hungarian Hot Wax is in fact a type of chilli pepper and I've just planted some.  Yes, Operation Garden has officially started.  I've even made a makeshift plant label out of a milk carton (see, I do recycle) but I will get some proper labels at the weekend which apparently I have to write on with a pencil, not a pen.

I'm starting these chilli seeds off indoors and I'll put them outside when they've done something.  Or when there's no frost.  (Oh heck, there's a lot to learn with this gardening malarkey!)  I'm going by the instructions on the seed packet which I got from Sarah Raven's Kitchen & Garden.

Grow little chilli seeds, grow!


  1. Chilli, chilli, chilli. Chilli with everything.

    I'll wait for photographic updates of the chilli growing. I have some growing too, so we can compare notes!

    I didn't get a chance to write on your posts here yesterday. I tried to on my iphone, but for some reason it wasn't posting. Anyway, just to echo what everyone else said, I think you're wonderful and I love what you write. Your post wasn't downbeat (and if it was, I'd understand as it's not an easy thing to write about), and I admire your honesty.

    Keep making beautiful beads, baking, working on your garden project, and being the lovely you. Oh, one last thing - I can't believe you don't like olives. With our food similarities, I thought we were foodie twins.You've let me down ;-)


    Mary (yetanothermary) xxx

  2. And here's me thinking it was hair removal cream !!!

    But Chilli sounds good. Never thought of putting Chilli in our Garden . Good idea.

  3. I thought it was some kind of new frit when I saw the thumbnail piccy on my blogroll!

    I've only grown indoor chillies in a greenhouse and they were a big success. I got loads and ended up drying them and giving jars of them away to friends as gifts.

    I'm looking forward to hearing how you get on with an outdoor variety; it'll be a big thrill when your first seedlings emerge. :-)

  4. PS The majority of England should be frost free at nights by the end of May. The tradional time in days gone by was you put your tender bedding plants out the first week in June. But in practice, in Cambridgeshire you're usually safe by the second week in May - dependent on climate change of course so it's anyone's guess this year!

  5. Yep, my brain went in a totally different direction with that post title! Good luck with your garden project :)

  6. Hi Laura,

    All your talk and plans for your garden have inspired me to crack on with my own garden, I started with good intentions last autumn and left it a total mess over the winter so as soon as I have finished knitting the pashimina for my mother-in-laws birthday (which was the 13th Jan yikes! )I will start clearing up the mess I left and start clearing up so i can actually start planting some new plants, wish me luck !

    Best wishes,

  7. sending good vibes for your seeds to grow fast and healthy...

  8. Good luck Laura!
    I'm hungarian too... ;-)


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