Friday 15 February 2008

No new beads to show you today

This morning, after spending an hour pulling stringer, dipping mandrels and doing other beadmaking preparation stuff I settled down to make my first bead only to discover I'd run out of gas. Even getting a new bottle of propane went wrong - the man gave me a propane bottle with some random fitting on it which meant my regulator wouldn't fit. So back the bottle went to be swapped to one that would fit. Heffing a full 19KG propane bottle around is quite awkward - Dad can't lift it because of his back and shoulder so shifting it once was bad enough but twice was just plain rubbish. I have red paint and rust marks from the bottles all over my flipping jeans. By the time all that was sorted I didn't have much time to get any beads made.

Like I said earlier, it's been one of those weeks full of niggly things. Amongst other things, Marlene (the oldest remaining guinea pig) isn't very well. She's gone totally downhill since Tamzin died the other week and now Marlene is both blind and deaf and very doddery. She's a proper old biddy guinea pig.

I won't bore you with all the other naff things that have happened because you don't come here to read my moaning! You come here to read about my beadmaking shenanigans and hopefully I'll be posting about those over the weekend.

Now, on to a nice thing. Caroline from Uniqart has bestowed an award upon me! Thank you, Caroline! It's the 'You Make My Day Award' and I've added it to the right hand side of my blog. I now have to pass this award on to five other bloggers. They be :

1. Jennifer at The Art Of Curiosity
2. Nicky at Sparkly Treasures
3. Janine at Cherished Trinkets
4. Jo at Daisychain Designs
5. Mandie at Jewellery Craft

To pass the award on, here are the details :

1. Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day.
2. Acknowledge the post of the award giver.
3. Display the “You Make My Day Award” logo.
4. Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news.


  1. Oh poor poor guinea pig, its really sad, will you have more?

    Thank you very very very very much for the award, I really really appreciate it...

    Haven't worked out how to get the nice piccy on yet, still working on it..


  2. PS, waiting for new beads! Have a lovely weekend!

  3. So there's a man out there who prevented you from making beads today?! Let me at him!!
    Sorry about your guinea pig. The same kind of thing happened with our family cats, a mother and son. They were 17 and 16 years old though, fantastic ages for cats.
    Thank you for the award! It was a lovely surprise!

  4. Glad you're pleased with your awards!

    Yes, I do love my guinea pigs (or gerbils, as my boyfriend always calls them) and I'm sure I'll get a couple more when the weather's a bit warmer. I like the old guineas to meet new ones out on the lawn rather than in a hutch. That way they get used to each other at a distance. Seems to work - less squeaking, nipping and guinea-pig-bitching that way!

    I'm just venturing out to the shed now. I had a big glass delivery yesterday so I've got all my favourite glass colours to play with. It's a lovely day, the sun's shining and I'm going to make beads!

    Laura x

  5. How exciting! Thank you for my award laura that was a lovely surprise :)

    Aww your poor guinea pig :( It's heartbreaking! Although your guinea-pig-bitching comment just made me smile.

    Janine xx

  6. Thank you so much for the award - I'm deeply touched :-)

    I'm so sorry to hear that Marlene isn't well. I hope a little sun on her back helps. Tamzin's loss is such a poignant situation - poor you & poor Marlene.


    Jennifer xox

  7. Thanks for the award hun, not sure how my wafflings can make anyones day but you did make me smile :D


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!