Monday 12 May 2008

Another warm one . . . . .

..... but I managed to get another set of Floralentils made today. I'll be putting them on the website tomorrow evening. There was lots of that willow fluff (looks like dandelion clock seeds, but fluffier) floating around my shed today and it kept getting stuck to my stringer.

Willow fluff isn't the only annoying airborne thing about at the moment. Last night I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth before bed and there was this flying insecty thing bashing into the window pane. The window was open on the catch but I shut it because I didn't want whatever electric-light-seeking thing it was coming into the bathroom. It carried on banging against the glass and when I looked at it closely I saw it was a cockchafer. Yeah, I know. If you've never heard of one before it is quite a tittersome name! We get cockchafers here a lot in the warm weather. They're quite chunky things and they have a hard shell and a patch of furry hair either side of their head. Huge waggly antennae too. Click here if you'd like to see a picture of one.

My flying insect encounter didn't end there. I then went into my bedroom and heard a 'bzzzzzz' noise and there was a huge fly buzzing about. I grabbed a DVD case (Napoleon Dynamite if you're interested) and tried to shoo it out of the room with it. I hate killing anything and I'd rather insects just left when politely asked to do so rather than splat them with something. The fly eventually landed on the mirror and when it was sat still I got a good look at it. It was bright yellowy-orange and looked quite evil. He looked like a biter. Well, I'd had enough of asking him politely to leave and trying to usher him to the exit so I went and got the can of Raid. Alas, now the yellow-potential-biter fly is an ex-yellow-potential-biter fly. I felt bad about killing him but I'd rather that than get fly bites in my sleep!


  1. Ooooh I dont like the look of that cockchafer, and I don't think my mark likes the sound of it by the look on his face when I read it out loud. HA! You have the best stories Laura!!

    J xx

  2. Brilliant bit of writing, Laura, love your style! lol

  3. We've been playing tennis with the May Bugs for a few days now - yuck, yuck, yuck! They even manage to break through the mozzy net we have over the door, 'orrible things!

  4. Funnily enough my mum calls them may bugs as well. Haven't seen them yet in sunny Berks as of yet this year(shouldn't speak too soon!), but one year we were inundated by them - little blighters. They don't half make a lot of noise, bit scary as they whizz around you. They seemed to have a homing in device to wherever I was if I remember!
    Hope tomorrow is bug free

  5. Yeah, I noticed on the Wikipedia entry for them that they are sometimes called May Bugs. They are indeed quite bolshy. We had one fly into the lampshade in the kitchen once and it was bashing about and the lampshade was swinging about everywhere! They're really huge and yes, Veryan, they do buzz really loudly!

    Laura x

  6. lol I don't kill anything either - mind you I like spiders ;0)

  7. We had one trying to get into the house other evening, hadn't seen one close up before, not sure I like em, hate bugs of all types. I've a friend who picks them up, eeeeeeeekkkkkkkk.



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