Thursday 17 July 2008

First Blogiversary

I've been wittering away on this here blog for exactly a year today. Now that's a lot of waffle!

Yesterday I was stuck for colour ideas so I texted my fella to see if he could think of any. Chris is good like that. He always comes up with great beady concepts when I'm having an I-can't-make-beads moment. Yesterday he sent me some links to underwater photographs which resulted in me spending ages trawling Flickr and Google looking at lots of pictures of vibrantly-coloured fish. A particularly groovy one gave me the idea for these 'Fiesta' beads. Nice and bright!


  1. cor I wish you had made these last week they are the colours of a dress I shall be wearing at a wedding on Saturday!!

    Lynne S

  2. These are simply gorgeous - I love the colours and think I know which type of little tropical fish was the inspiration!

  3. Have been there too, looking for inspiration, underwater scenes and galaxy images alway bring out something special. These last beads are really special and I love the colour mix.

  4. Congratulations and happy anniversary Laura. Tashi has been enjoying your bead pics and blog for a few months ... and reckons you a bit of an inspiration. Cheers from down under.

  5. Have a great time at the wedding, Lynne. :o)

    Thanks Caroline - I can't remember exactly what the fish was but it was those colours!

    Cheers Pam. I love galaxy photos too.

    And hello, Tashi! Many thanks for the really lovely comment. :o)

    Laura x

  6. reminds me of "Finding Nemo". these are nice happy beads!

  7. Love thee bead so much! Can't believe it's a year! It must be about the same for me too! gosh It's about this time last year then that I found out you even existed!! Now I can't imagine my life without your beady world in it!!

    Love reading your blog Laura!

    J xx

  8. Cheers, M!

    Aw - that's really sweet Janine. Thank you! :o)

  9. I can't believe it's been a year either. Happy Anniversary Laura. Here's to many more scrumptious beads and blog entries.

  10. Happy blogiversary Laura, it's always a pleasure to read! And congrats on the FAB fishybeads, stunning as ever!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!