Friday 14 November 2008

Prize Draw

Prize Draw BeadsDeep purple glass under artificial light just won't behave for the camera so I photographed these lovelies in direct sunlight. These olive-shaped beads measure 17mm long and contain swirls of lavender and gorgeous deep purple along with tiny fine silver inclusions that twinkle like stars.

Do you fancy a chance of winning this trio of purple prettiness? If so, send me an email at with the words 'Prize Draw' in the subject line. Please put your name in the body of the email. I will put all the names into a suitable receptacle (I haven't got a hat) and I'll draw a winner at 7.00pm on Friday 21st November. The draw is open to anyone anywhere.

Good luck!


  1. Oh my, are these utterly gorgeous or WHAT!!!!!?

  2. I just love purple with a passion!

  3. "But purple's my colour I always wear purple" - sorry I did Bugsy at school:)
    They are gorgeous can I enter twice???

  4. I'm at home now so lets see if this work. These beads are so beautiful and I WANT THEM NOW!!!! LOL I love purple.

  5. Oooooooh these are really beautiful! Love them!

  6. These are so stunning - got my fingers crossed!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!