Friday 4 June 2010

And the winner is .....

Prize Draw WinnerCongratulations to Lauren who was drawn as the winner of the Lonelies beads!

This was my largest prize draw ever! I spent a long time typing all the names out, cutting them up and folding them. Then I stuck them in a bowl and mixed them with the same action I use for making pastry. Then my independent adjudicator (my Dad) gave the names another stir and drew one at random. Well done, Lauren! I shall get your beads off to you just as soon as I have your address.

Many thanks to all who entered the draw. I'll do another one soon so do stay tuned.


  1. c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s Lauren ! :-)

  2. I forgot to say congratulations to Lauren. x x x

  3. Can't wait till next time you have a give a way :-)
    Socks are great by the way, I love them. x x x

  4. happy much? me?!
    im sitting here smiling like the cat who got at the cream :)
    Thanks Laura XX

  5. You're welcome, Lauren!

    Hope you like the beads. :o)

    Laura x


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!