Saturday 31 July 2010

Beautiful Sunflowers

Sunflowers on Christ's Pieces, CambridgeWhen Chris and I were shopping in town the other weekend we noticed that a massive crowd of sunflowers had been planted in one of the flower beds on Christ's Pieces. I knew that they would look fab when they flowered and I've been really looking forward to seeing them.

Sunflowers on Christ's Pieces, CambridgeToday the sunflowers were in full bloom, standing tall and proud, all facing the sun. They are absolutely beautiful.

Sunflowers on Christ's Pieces, CambridgeThere were lots of people taking photos of the sunflowers - they're such a wonderful sight! The bees and other buzzy insects were loving them too.


  1. Gorgeous! Sunflowers are lovely but I'm thinking you took the photograph in the afternoon as Cambridge was so wet in the morning!

  2. Sono meravigliosi! A me mettono tanta allegria! Ros

  3. I love sunflowers -- they're just so happy!

  4. Beautiful! I wish I could grow them in my garden but the slugs & snails get there first every time...

  5. I love Sunflowers. Likeing your new blog layout to.xx


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