Sunday 23 January 2011

Bracelet & Instagram

Lampwork Bead Bracelet
While I was making beads yesterday I started to design a bracelet in my head.  I hardly ever make jewellery and it's even rarer that I make jewellery for myself but I just knew that I had to make this bracelet happen.

I was making lots of black and white polka dot beads yesterday (finally on the home stretch with my mountain of bead orders so if you're waiting for yours they will be posted within the next week) and I remembered that I had a plain red heart sitting in the kitchen window sill.  It was supposed to have a white heart on it but the postman rang the doorbell just as I was about to apply the white heart so I put the plain bead into the kiln and then forgot all about going back and finishing it.  (I'm sure you didn't want to know all that about the heart bead but now you do and I hope that this extra bead information has been of benefit to you!)

Anyway, my brain got to thinking that the black and white polka dot beads would look cute with the red heart so I made a few extra and then I also whipped up some red spacers at the end of yesterday's glass melting session.

I've strung the beads together with some sterling silver and the resulting bracelet is just how I envisioned it - very simple, quite bold, a little bit retro, a tad chunky but oh so me.  I like it!

Here is the bracelet again.  It's exactly the same photo as the one above but I've put a filter on it using my new favourite iPhone app - Instagram.

Instagram image of my bracelet
The same photo but with the Instagram 'Earlybird' filter applied.

Oh, how I am loving Instagram.  It's an amazing little piece of software that is making me want to photograph everything.  The app is free and you can twiddle about with existing images on your iPhone camera roll or you can take pictures within the app.  You can then apply various different filters to your photographs to give them a quirky, retro kind of feel.  But it doesn't stop there.  You can link your Instagram feed to your Twitter, Facebook or Flickr accounts so that all your friends and followers can see your groovy images. 

If you've already got Instagram or if you're off now to download the app (and you should because it's excellent fun) and you fancy following me on Instagram my username is, surprisingly, 'beadsbylaura'.

Right-o, it's time for some bead cleanery.  Have a great Sunday evening!


  1. Love that bracelet Laura. Just love it. :o)


  2. Terrific bracelet and very you; I bet it looks great on!


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