Tuesday 14 October 2008

Happy Beads

Lampwork Beads By Laura SparlingPeriwinkle blue, yellow, orangey-red and lilac beads in an array of intricate designs. I took this photo to show how pretty these 'Carnival' beads look from the side.

I read a disturbing article on the BBC website this morning. It's all about freaky spiders coming to the United Kingdom. The day before we moved house I saw an unfamiliar-looking type of spider in the conservatory. I told Dad not to touch it because it looked a bit different to your average house-dwelling arachnid. Hmmm. I'm glad I did because having read this report I'm 99.9% positive that it was a 'False Widow'. I haven't watched any of the movies on the BBC site - the photos were more than enough for me! Seriously, I'm really alarmed by the thought of these alien spiders invading. I shan't be at all surprised if I have some kind of spider-related nightmare tonight . . . . .


  1. I won't invite you to our house for a cuppa then - we had a load of money spiders hatch in the conservatory. They the proceeded to absail to the floor. Stunning to watch - form behind the glass.
    Hope your studio is clear now - gorgeous geometry at the end of the beads. Still can't get over how "neat" they are. That's one steady pair of hands. Vx

  2. Oh, I know the ones you mean. I can handle money spiders but when they do that hatchy-abseil thing ... *shudder*

    Yes, thankfully the freaky spider stayed behind at the old house and so far (fingers crossed) the conservatory here is pretty much spider-free. Yay!

    Thanks for the bead compliments. :o)

  3. I saw those spiders on BBC breakfast yesterday morning - yuk! I can't stand them either. My little cat is pretty good at ridding the house of any that dare to make an appearance at the moment, but I wouldn't want him to get bitten by one of these new invaders - I heard they were pushing into the Midlands too, so I'm on my guard!

  4. Yeah, apparently some of them have quite a nasty bite. Just thinking of getting bitten by a spider is really making me go all funny!

  5. Hi Laura, I have given you a blogger award, Please stop by at my blog to copy it.

  6. Pretty - and complicated - beads! Guess you're not keen on the movie Arachnophobia then....teehee!

  7. Aw, thanks for the award April!

    Caroline - no - any spiders in films are bad. Shelob in Lord Of The Rings has to be one of cinema's all-time scariest spiders!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!