Monday 27 October 2008

More Luminobeads

Lampwork Glass BeadsI told you that I had lots of these in the pipeline .....

I suffered a random beadmaking injury today. I was placing a dot on a bead and I put it in the wrong place. This happens often and I undo the bad dot placement by nipping off the raised dot of glass with tweezers which is exactly what I did but the piece of glass that I tweezed off shot straight up my left nostril. That sounds funny, I know, but it flippin' hurt! Hot glass and noses do not mix. I was kind of half-laughing, half-yelping and my eyes were watering like mad. What a crazy thing to happen! I did manage to save the bead I was working on, though. Result.


  1. Bravo for saving the bead under extreme duress!!! I burnt my hand once and was not as fortunate to save the bead.
    Kellie C.

  2. Yes, I've suffered many a cut or burn while I've been mid-bead but I always do my best to save the bead! You spend so long making them that you don't want to lose them do you?!

  3. That is taking the glass addiction to far...sniffing glass.xxxxxx

  4. ah, laura...I'm half giggling and half cringing...oooh, I can only imagine (and don't want to).

    I love your lumino beads! I really like the greeny-blue ones. So pretty!

  5. How awful is that? Hot glass going up your nose, that's made me feel really funny! hope your nose is OK now!

    Lovely beads! Love the amber ones!

  6. Ouch, my eyes are watering in sympathy :o

  7. OUCH!! Glad there's no lasting damage! Lovely beads, very classy.

  8. Oh ow ow ow!! That sounds horrible!
    Glad you saved the bead though!

  9. Oh crikey! That sounds really painful. You need danger pay!

  10. My nose is totally fine. It really hurt for a minute or so but it's all good now, thanks!


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