Thursday 30 October 2008

RIP Mr Oxycon

I mentioned earlier that I thought my oxycon was on its way out and tonight he officially died. He's done well - they reckon a reconditioned oxycon should last two years and mine has been going for over three.

So now I have to buy a new one and this means I can't make beads until it's delivered. Rubbish!

Mind you, I'm up in Cambridge this weekend so no beads would have been made anyway. Let's just hope I can get a new oxycon delivered next week .....


  1. Oh no! Poor Mr Oxycon I hope you receive a speedy replacement and also have a fab weekend!

  2. Just ordered a new one so hopefully it should be here in a few days. Fingers crossed!

  3. Hi Laura,

    I'm so sorry to hear of Mr. O's untimely passing. I hope he rests in peace, and I hope you don't go crazy in the meantime. I know I would!

    BTW, I have tagged you in the game of blogger's tag, and details can be found on my blog at


  4. Must be dragon (oxycon) was coughing and spluttering today. First time in a week, I was going to make beads


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