Wednesday 15 October 2008


UFO Lampwork Glass BeadsWhen I made the prototype of these I thought it looked a bit spacey. Otherworldly. Galactic. So I sent a photo of the bead to my fella (sci-fi oracle that he is) along with a plea for name ideas. Chris emailed me back with a long list of name suggestions and one of them was UFO - 'Unidentified Funky Object'. I liked it! So that's what these beads will be known as.

They're very tactile, twiddleable-with beads and contrary to what you might be thinking, they are comfy to wear. I draped a strand of them over my wrist to test the wearability factor. These ones are in delicate shades of green and blue but imagine them in black, white and clear. Or bright primary colours. Think of them in crazy, zingy way-out-there hues. This design has scope.

What do you think of them?


  1. My first reaction was 'oh cool!'. They are fun!

  2. Very funky Laura. I can definately see them in monochrome, maybe with a bit of silver as well.

  3. What fun these are! Loads of possibilities.

  4. Absolutely amazing ... these are like nothing I've seen before! Completely stunning.


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!