Tuesday 8 September 2009


Sock Bag From Roseland BagsYou know that I am totally obsessed with sock knitting? Of course you do - I bore you with it often enough. Well, Vikki over at Wild Fire Fibres posted a picture of a groovy sock bag that she bought the other week and I followed her link to Roseland Bags and got myself one. I do have sock project bags but this one is extra-über portable due to its handle which means it'll be fab for train knitting. It's arrived just in time too as I have a three hour train journey up to Manchester on Friday.

The bag is fantastic and is really beautifully made. It's black corduroy with hot pink polka dots and vice-versa for the handle. I love it! Julie makes lots of other bags in an array of wonderful fabrics so why not head on over to her website, check out what she's got and maybe treat yourself?!


  1. A lovely bag! I am desperately trying to get a pair finished in time for my dad's birthday on Friday ... better get on with it! :-)

  2. Gorgeous Bag and your socks look prety fab as well. I still on with my scarf, having probs with my tension but hopefully progress to socks soon. Is there a book or website you can recommend for beginners like me?

  3. It is a lush bag, Sue. You should treat yourself! Good luck with finishing those socks .....

    Lisa - have a look at www.ravelry.com . Membership is free and there is a wealth of information and free patterns. My first sock book was 'Fab Feet & Cosy Toes' by Anna Tillman but my utter favourite is 'Socks From The Toe Up' by Wendy D. Johnson. Both those books are available from Amazon. Wendy also has some great patterns and tips on her site at www.wendyknits.net .

    Hope that helps!

    Laura x


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