Thursday 24 September 2009

Martha's Bath

Guinea Pig BathtimeI've just had to give Martha the guinea pig a bath. She keeps getting covered in mud from climbing in and out of flowerpots and she doesn't wash it off. I keep cleaning bits of her but today I decided it was time for a proper full-on guinea pig bath.

A hair wash with warm water and a dash of Johnson's Baby Shampoo .....

Guinea Pig BathtimeA rinse .....

Guinea Pig Bathtime
A towel and blow dry (with the hair dryer on cool) ......

Guinea Pig BathtimeAnd I finally had one clean, fragrant and pampered guinea pig.

Guinea Pig BathtimeMartha seemed to enjoy it. She was so calm and she was rewarded with a lettuce leaf for her good behaviour. I wonder how long it'll take for her to get muddy again?


  1. SOOO cute! There is something that tugs the heart strings when there is a bedraggled critter getting her bath. Molly gets puppy crazies after her bath. She's so funny. Martha is a beautiful guinea pig!

  2. oh how sweet!
    Was she making those cute little "wee wee" noises too?

  3. She is a sweet pig. Very tame too.

    Fhi - yes, there were lots of little squeaks but they were contented ones as opposed to get-the-hell-off-me ones!

  4. baths by laura? Sign me up!

  5. How cute! We have a gerbil - not so cute!

  6. Ahhh, Martha is lovely and so well behaved; if only my dog was so obliging at bath time!

  7. I like bathing my kitty cause she smells so nice and is so soft the day after, but man oh man she finds it darned humiliating!


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