Friday 25 September 2009

Muchos Spiders

I just read an article on the BBC News site about how they reckon there's going to be more spiders than usual this autumn. I was very brave and clicked on the link for a read even though there is a picture of one of the aforementioned eight-legged critters accompanying the headline.

John Partridge, some spider expert, says "If you can, get up close and have a look at how beautifully coloured they are."

Nah, you're alright John. I'll just run away screaming, if you don't mind?!


  1. We've been getting quite a few, large ones too! They're too big to be sucked up my nifty spider vacuum, so it's back to the old glass and a bit of card technique to get rid of them.

    It's the big ones that run really fast that I hate....(shudders!)

  2. We have one (simply huge) that runs across the living room floor in the evenings - argh! The dogs do nothing to help - wimps!

  3. I love spiders! There are some really beautifully coloured ones. I found about 5 different kinds in the garden the other day just while picking blackberries. Although, I have to agree... if they're in my house, big, AND run fast, then it's oot-the-door I'm afraid!

    Jessica, I was intrigued by your 'nifty spider vacuum', so I looked it up. I'll be getting one for my arachnophobic daughter. Are they any good for moths? Now, they DO freak me out...

  4. So strange, I was only thinking the other day that there seems to be loads in the garden. I stood and watched one making its web the other day, and even though they make my skin crawl I have to admit theres something beautiful and amazing about their home building skills !

  5. That explains it! We've had loads of spiders both indoors & outdoors this year. Our cats just sit & watch the spiders crawl out from under the bed or from under furniture at night - then the cats do nothing! Have had to kill some real biggy spiders that run quicker than me - ugh! We also have loads of teeny baby spiders hatching out & trotting round the coving in the lounge if we go away for a weekend - have to hoover them all up when we get back. Can't imagine how many there'd be if we went away for a month - doesn't bear thinking about!


Your comments are much appreciated. Fire away!